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Contact: Faith Jarvis

About This Ministry

At every Mass, readings from Sacred Scripture, except the Gospel which is the function of the deacon or priest if no deacon, are proclaimed by lay people. The Sacred Scripture readings are an element of the greatest importance in the liturgy for through them, God himself speaks to His people. As proclaimers of the Sacred Scriptures, readers are instruments of God; they are people with a deep love of Scripture.


- Are registered parishioners who are fully initiated members of the Church—men and women who have received Baptism, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation. 
- Are judged by the pastor to be mature, sincere, and capable of delivering the Sacred Scriptures
pronouncing them in a loud and clear voice that corresponds to the genre of the text itself in a manner favoring meditation.
- Have a deep love for the Holy Eucharist.
- Are regularly receiving the Sacraments of the Church.
- Receive sufficient training to fulfill their role with knowledge and reverence. 
- Show the greatest reverence for proclaiming the Sacred Scriptures and the Holy Mass by their demeanor, their attire and their preparation for fulfilling their role. 
- Dependable and consider service a privilege.
- Complete Volunteer Application and Attestation of Good Moral required for serving in the Diocese of Venice and an Availability for Service form for the purposes of the parish Mass schedule.


Faith Jarvis

Ave Maria Catholic Church © 2025

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