Welcome to the Ave Maria Parish Faith Formation and Youth Ministry pages!
Our mission is to provide opportunities for all members of our parish to share their Catholic faith within the parish community and beyond. Our programs are as varied as the age groups we serve.
For parents, it is important to remember that we will only have success in passing on the Catholic Faith to your children by being in partnership with you. You are the primary educators of your children. While the instruction and formation we aim to provide are the building blocks of a growing faith life, the foundation is laid and reinforced by you within the family structure. Full participation in parish life, most especially regular Mass attendance, allows your children the opportunity to be and feel a part of our parish family. It gives meaning to all they are experiencing and learning about our Lord Jesus and this is what will help foster an authentic, loving, life-long relationship with Him.
We are extremely blessed that Ave Maria parish has many people who are willing and excited about sharing their love of God with others. May we together grow daily in knowing Him, loving Him and serving Him!
Becky Hampton, Director of Religious Education
Deacon Tom Kinnick, Director of Youth Ministry
Contact us at: 239-261-5555

...Holy Mary, Mother of God,