Ave Maria University is becoming the epicenter of devotion to Saint Teresa of Calcutta in Catholic higher education and throughout the Americas. In 2013, the religious order Mother Teresa founded in Calcutta, the Missionaries of Charity, granted the University official permission to establish the “Mother Teresa Project at Ave Maria University,” the first of its kind in the world. No college campus in America has a program of study and service which honors this Nobel Peace Prize winner whom many believe was the most beloved individual of the 20th century. At a time when the world is rife with violence and riven with division among the world’s religions, the goal of the Mother Teresa Project is to produce graduates of Ave Maria University who will spread her compassion and teachings to a new generation of Americans who know little about this saintly woman, and in the process, spread peace in the same manner as she did – one person at a time.


The Mother Teresa Museum at Ave Maria University, a short walking distance across from Ave Maria Catholic Church, offers students, tourists, pilgrims and locals the opportunity to learn more about “the saint of the gutters” in a 3,000 square foot space showcasing displays of her life and memorabilia. Over 30 panels, in both English and Spanish, tell the story of Mother Teresa’s life. These panels are identical to those used by the Missionaries of Charity in their exhibit in Calcutta. Items for public viewing include handwritten letters by Mother Teresa, a crucifix from her own rosary and other relics, stunningly beautiful photographs, original publications from her state funeral in India, the Beatification and Canonization ceremonies at the Vatican, and even a re-creation of the humble room where Mother worked and slept.

Any country that allows abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love is abortion...if abortion isn't wrong, nothing is wrong.