Ave Maria Catholic Church, Ave Maria, Florida USA

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Our Home, His House, Our Children’s Future campaign must continue in order to provide for the future financial stability of our Parish. We need to fulfill our obligation to repay borrowed funds used to purchase our Ave Maria Church and to provide for ongoing maintenance for this beautiful and iconic structure. It is the center of the town of Ave Maria and a place of prayer for our parish members, as well as many visitors who come everyday.
The debt to purchase our Church was $8 million, needed repairs were an additional $2 million and interest payments took our debt to $11.1 million. Thanks to the generosity of many donors, our debt has been lowered to $7.9 million.
Continuing our capital campaign efforts will require the participation and effort of every Parish family. We also invite our many visitors to join us in this effort for Our Home, His House, Our Children’s Future. Thank you for your support and prayers for Ave Maria Parish!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Father David M. Vidal
Pastor of Ave Maria Parish

Please see the buttons below to participate in this effort.
Thank you for your support!