For men & boys ages 13 on up
Leader: Tom Nuttle
Fraternus meets weekly throughout the academic year at our "Frat Nights" which form the foundation of a Fraternus chapter. Frat Nights are structured but simple: recreation time, teaching, squad time discussion, and challenge. With this focus on recreation and squad time, Fraternus allows fathers of a family to meet their sons "where they are" in their walk of faith as they confront the challenges of growing up in today's secular society, a society very quickly losing its sense of basic morality.
Squad time discussions flow from the weekly Sunday Mass readings and prayers and revolve around learning the seven virtues of faith, hope, love, prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance. Since learning about virtue does not make one virtuous, each night a tangible challenge is given to live out the virtue discussed. These challenges build toward the habits of a Catholic man like regular self-denial, receiving the Sacraments with piety and devotion, and praying the Rosary.
Fraternus Chapters are born from and always pointed back to the parish, the local community of men, because it is in the Eucharist that Christian fraternity is most manifest. Fraternus helps to unite the men of a parish into a brotherhood seeking virtue and holiness, and then provides a framework to make sure that passes on to the next generation through intentional mentoring. This makes a Fraternus Chapter truly a "brotherhood for all ages." Although it goes into high school and beyond, Fraternus membership begins in the 6th grade because it is in those years that mentoring is absolutely essential. Fraternus is open to all Catholic boys and men ages 13 and up.
Registration for our newly formed chapter is now available at: fraternus.net.
More questions? Write to us: avemariafraternus2022@gmail.com.